The Modern Renovator

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Projects I Want to Complete in 2020

So I talked about everything I did in 2019, so now it’s time to talk about the projects for 2020! I’m excited to continue to improve my house and make it what I want to be.

1. Finish Basement Projects

This category has a few subsections. I want to put a built in on the cinderblocks to use some of that dead space, as well as finishing out the closet area. Lastly, either leveling the floors in the laundry room area or tiling it. P.S. I had a vent installed down in this room, so now it’s considered a bedroom!

mockup of the kind of shelves I want to build and put in.

2. Continue Landscaping

My backyard is still a conundrum. With the big tree it’s hard to landscape and i’m still trying to figure out what to do with it. I also want to clean up the landscape on the side of the house with the holly bushes and maybe even take out the fence between me and my neighbor’s driveway.

3. Replace the front door!

This JUST happened. The door came in before I published this post, so you can read all about my front door and commonly asked questions about it here.

4. Resurface tub and replace hardware

The tub is in pretty rough condition, it needs to be resurfaced and I’ve been meaning to do it, just haven’t taken the plunge. I will probably replace the hardware at that time too, to match all the other hardware in the house. Right now it’s brushed chrome and not my style. This really will be the LAST thing my bathroom will need done.

5. Build a shed

This one is probably my most ambitious project. I haven’t decided if I should try to build a shed or just buy one, but I want to move all my lawn equipment out of the basement and into a shed on the back of the house. TBD on this one, but it’s going to be my goal i’m reaching for in 2020. Thinking something along these lines.