FREE Printable Recipe Cards
/cute recipe cards, printable recipe cards, simple recipe cards
If you’re like me, you don’t trust computers. I always wonder 20 years from now if things like Pinterest will be around. Or the blogs that have all your favorite recipes!? What if they delete their blog or take it down? I will no longer have that recipe! So I went to Pinterest to try and find some cute recipe cards I could print out at home, and I did not like a single one. They were all too “cute” if you know what I mean. I wanted something classic that I would never look at and not like. So I made my own! These ones are simple and easy to use! They’re straight to the point and I think may be useful to you guys! I’ve created a tab version if you like to be organized like me, but if not there’s also a non tab version! So scroll to the bottom of the post to download the cards! I recommend printing on cardstock and trim on the dotted lines.